
Friday, April 30, 2010

Positive thoughts...

OH MAH LAWD, I never wanted to be this tired again.
The first trimester ended, and a few weeks later, I was back to my spunky, high-energy self.

Alas, a resurgence of the awful Pregnancy Exhaustion has made me miserable. Only this time? I'm 25 pounds heavier, having awful heartburn (causing me to wake up in the night), I have a huge belly to take into account, and it just ain't easy to sleep any more.

How I loathe being tired.

No, seriously, Pregnancy. It's not my thing. I don't like it, it makes me mean, sometimes bitter, and more often than not, sarcastic as HELL. Can we, uhh... work on that?

But, I'm trying to remain positive. As positive as I can when all I want to do is crawl under my desk and pretend like I'm not at work. And that I can go to sleep if I good and goddamn well please.

A girl can dream...

Happy Thoughts for the day:

  • It's Friday!
  • Also: Payday!! (Money is already spent. Yay for being poor... Oh damn, that wasn't so positive...)
  • My family is in town tonight! 
  • For? MY BABY SHOWER tomorrow!
    I'm excited. Unfortunately, My Uncle and Aunt can't be there, because of a close family friend's funeral.
    But my grandmother, my mom, my dad and brother (who will be there later) will all be there. All for my daugther..
  • Last night, Ed came home and woke me up. (He's not supposed to wake me up anymore. Maybe if I get really cranky from him waking me up every night and not letting me get enough sleep, he'll stop wanting to wake me up.)
    Anyway, we were lying there, just talking about our nights, mine, completely uneventful from the fact that I was SLEEPING before he got there...
    But he just wrapped up his slow night for me...

    He told me how much he loves me. And then asked if he could say hi to our baby girl... I rolled over, and he just sat there talking for a minute. Then he looked up at me. "I love her. I love her so much."

    I melted. He's not one to really express his emotions. And this is the first time he's told me how he feels about our daughter.

    That? Was an amazing moment.

Here's to an awesome weekend. Providing I can get some damn sleep. (*Shakes fist in air at Pregnancy)

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