
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives

Waking up next to him, still the greatest feeling ever.
Waking up next to him for the last time in this crappy, roach-infested apartment?
Might actually be better.

We have a huge day ahead of us. Tomorrow, I'm going to HAAATE going to work, seeing as how I'll probably be worn out from head to toe.

Weird pregnancy thing that happened yesterday?
Our current 'roommate' had his baby over yesterday. I've held him while he fell asleep before, no big deal. So, I was doing this yesterday, and the boob that was closest to his head started leaking colostrum. Normally it does it while I sleep, or random times during the day. This is the first time that I could tell that it was because of someTHING.
It was a weird feeling, first because my boob was reacting to the fact that there was a little one around. It was like, "COOL. I get to try out this new thing I learned!"
But, Sadly, I was like, "No! Bad boob! This ain't mine! Fall Back! RETREAT!"
So, boob got mad at me, and is now INCREDIBLY sore.
Now, I wish my kid was here just to 'drink' from it and make it STOP HURTING SO DAMN BAD!
I mean, it's painful. Incredibly so.

It also showed me something else. I can't WAIT to nurse my baby girl. Have her resting against my chest, watching her fall asleep in my arms. I cannot freaking wait. I really hope everything goes right, but if yesterday was any indication? My boobs are totally ready for this.

Today, as I've stated before, we start the moving process. Which will help the feeling that we're completely unprepared for her ever-nearing arrival.
Which means, soon? I can start GETTING HER NURSERY READY.
Eee! I'm so excited!

Happy Easter. Today, we're going over to Nini's house for Easter dinner. It's been a while since she's seen me, and I know I'm a lot bigger than I was last time. :-)

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