
Friday, April 2, 2010

Aaand, another (week) one bites the dust.

Sometimes I just want to peek inside of my belly and find out exactly what it is that she's doing in there.

What in the? Is she trying to get her foot in her mouth?
Is she purposefully tap dancing on my ribs?
Why does it feel like her head is all of the sudden up here instead of down there, where it was 5 minutes ago.
Woah, that felt like a cell phone going off in my uterus. What the --?

And then I just stop asking. Because it ain't like she's gonna tell me. She's stubborn like that. (Already taking after her daddy a little too much for my comfort. Hehe.)

But I always feel so happy to feel her. There are a lot of women out there who can't feel this, who can never feel this. The sensations and emotions that encompass carrying your own child. One that you love with every inch of your heart.

And I know how lucky I am... She doesn't even know it yet, but she's changed my life. Hell, she's changed me. I no longer think like the single female that I was a year ago. I am a mommy. And I have a baby and husband to think about.
All because two people fell in love, and created an amazing little girl.
She's changed a lot of people's lives.
She doesn't know how many people already think she's just the freaking greatest thing ever. Even better than sliced bread. She has no clue how many people love her so much already, how many people are willing to do anything for this little being that's currently residing in my stomach.

And she's made me the luckiest girl in the whole world...

And in 3 months, there will be a little girl officially come into our lives. Ed and I will learn and cope and our relationship will change so much
And in some ways, that's terrifying. I think the real, actual reality is hitting, and I can some-what see what's going to happen.
And, It's downright scary sometimes. But?

It's also the single most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. And I get to do it with my best friend, Ed. We get to enter, together, the greatest experience life has to offer, being the strength for each other. Growing and loving, together.

So, Week twenty-seven? Yeah. I'm ready for you. 

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