
Monday, April 5, 2010

Hi, I'm Complainy McComplainer-pants. Nice to meet you.

Or, you can also call me, Hacky McCougher-son.
I mean, my boyfriend does.

I r sick. I don't feel well. My face hurts. My eyes hurt. My nose is runny, and I think I've got enough mucus in my respiratory system to power China for YEARS. (Talk about alternative fuel!)

I know this is the last leg of the Evil Illness that has plagued me for DAYS now, but that doesn't make it suck any less.

In other, non-complaining news:
I have a confession. Yesterday/This morning, I got a little scared.

See, in preparation for moving our tons o' crap, we had to bomb our old apartment for (Ewwwww!) roaches, in order to not take them with us. (If our landlord had just sprayed, ya know.. EVER, this wouldn't be such a HUGE hassle for us. Anyway, I digress..)

So, we set off a fumigator. Scratch that. We set off TWO fumigators that should have been able to cover 14,000 square feet. In our 500 square feet apartment.
Now, I'm no mathematician, but that's uhh, I dunno... a PRETTY EFFING GOOD ratio there.
In our minds, it was a done deal. Spray, let it set for a few hours. Voila. No. More. DAMN. Bugs.

Upon return to the apartment from HELL, it was quickly discovered that not only had the two fumigators not killed all the bugs, it hadn't killed ANY.
They were walking around. Flippin' us the bird as they were crawling around, as if to say, "PshAAHH. Ya cain't git rid of us, vatos."

Well, since the roaches survived, and after letting the apartment air out for a good 20-30 minutes, I waltzed back inside. Thinking that if it didn't even harm the roaches, it surely can't hurt me or the baby too bad.
I mean, I was careful. I made sure to get some air every 5-10 minutes, and if I was feeling dizzy, I'd go outside until I felt better.
Well, it wasn't until around 11pm last night that I realized that my little, precious, baby girl (whom I am so careful for that I don't even touch alcohol, even when they tell me I can have a glass of wine) hadn't moved since we'd returned back to the house.

Oh... What a great feeling, lemme tell YOU!

I never freaked out, but I did mention it to Ed.

Something along the lines of, Uhh.. Babe? You don't think....
He said nah. That by the time I really spent any time in there, there wasn't any poison left anyway. And if I did inhale anything, it was probably only enough to make her 'docile' (Ahh! My baby girl, docile because of some roaches)

And it's not like I wasn't feeling her at all. She was just a LOT quieter than she normally is.
And it extended to this morning. She was definitely still kicking and twitching and rolling around, just not as much.

I can't explain it, but I knew everything was alright... Just, being a first time mom, this little girl is my life. And I just wanted to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was okay.
And she can't tell me, "Yeah, Mom. Geez. Take a chill pill."
So, I was worried.

Well, Let me tell you, that this little girl LOVES to prove me wrong. Last night, while in mid-conversation about her lack of moving, she went and moved.
And right now? She hasn't stopped moving since I started typing this post.

'Cause she's 'cute' like that.

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