
Thursday, May 6, 2010


Oh, god. I'm totally that girl. That blogger girl who only blogs when she has something to complain about.

Ugh. How awful of me.

Yet, here I am again!
I think I'm getting sick.

Why would I think this, you say? (Thank you for indulging me. This post wouldn't have gone very far without that...)
Well, I took the H1N1 vaccine.

What in the hell was I thinking? WAS I thinking? Shit, did I put on deodorant this morning?

Well, strangely enough, the vaccine has made me completely miserable.

If it's possible, in the 24 hours since I took it, I've been more hormonal. I've cried 3 times. Just all out bawl-fests.
Right after they gave it to me, I thought it could just be in my head, but I was really loopy. Like, not thinking straight... I "Shhh'd" my pizza at CiCi's yesterday, instead of blowing on it. And then I proceeded to laugh about it for like 2 minutes afterwards.
And it wasn't even that funny.

And every part of my body hurts. My wrists hurt. My neck hurts. My back, my legs, damn, even my eyeballs hurt.

Oh, and I got in trouble at work this morning. You see, they're telling me that I need to watch my cell phone usage during work. And my internet surfing. (Oops.)

I knew it was coming, but I also got two really emotionally-draining emails last night, which sent me into a whirlwind of emotional downfall. I cried for like a damn hour. Until I fell asleep, no joke.
I cried myself to sleep. Haven't done that since I was a young'n.

I think this week needs to end. I'm done with it. It's been a crappy week, and I want a new one! I also want to throw up my hands and be done with everything right now. I'm just DONE. Don't ask any more of me, cuz I will scream at you, then I will cry. Hysterically.

I'm a mess.

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