
Thursday, March 25, 2010

I rock! (What? Too cheesy??)

Every night, at least since I've gotten my new job, Ed comes home. Ed wakes me up. Depending on how much sleep I've gotten and how tired I am, we spend anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or so talking and loving and generally enjoying each other's company.

The night before last, as I stated in my last post, he came home, and Boy! She started going crazy! I didn't know it was because of him at first, I thought it could have been for any number of reasons. Me moving, us making noise, anything.
And then he left the room, and I moved around and tried to get comfy again. She quieted down. I sat up, played and talked with the cat a minute, and nothing.

So, I finally got up and went into the study where Ed was and told him... Your daughter? Just totally jumped for joy when you came home. She loves you.

Well, last night, we were spending time together, and she woke up. Again, I can never tell for what reason she wakes up, but never-the-less. We were in bed, falling asleep (back asleep, for me) and she was kicking like it was time to wake up.
I was sleepy, I wasn't ready to get up, or more importantly, to stop cuddling, so I devised a plan.

I started rocking my leg back and forth. Ed does this to fall sleep after he's been woken up, and surprisingly, it's really relaxing and sends both of us back to sleep.

I did this, and she stopped. So, I stopped.

Haha! New mom mistake. She was back to kicking and squirming within seconds.

So, I tried it again. This time for longer. When one leg gave out, I rocked the other one.

And whaddya know? She fell back asleep! And has been that way ever since.

That was a really cool feeling. To have an effect like that on my child who isn't even born yet!

I rocked my baby back to sleep for the first time! (And myself. Hehe. And I slept gooood, too!)

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