
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some random story that I'm pretty sure no one cares about other than me.

Our sweet Layli-girl spent the night at Aunt Danielle's last night. Which, seeing as how I've been on non-stop mommy duty since she dropped her off on Monday afternoon, I was very grateful. Plus, I got to hang out with some completely awesome people. Well, and get completely sh-mammered. What else would a mommy do on a night off??

I had the option of letting her stay over there tonight as well. But as soon as Ed dropped me off from the bar, I was guilt-ridden and going through Layli-withdraws. It was awful.
I think I even cried. (I r pathetic. )

It's weird how much I can miss that little crying, poop machine. ;-)

I got to Danielle's house today, and she was asleep, but immediately woke up. Cranky and obviously hungry. I think if she could, she would eat her hands. But, luckily for us, they're too big to fit in her mouth.

So, I made her a bottle, and she ate the entire damn thing. Girl was HON-GREH. She never just sits there and eats. She will take an hour to eat a whole bottle. (It's quite frustrating, but when I approached the pediatrician about this, he was like, welll, she doesn't have a weight problem. So, uhhh, why are you worried again?? And what exactly do you want me to do about it?? THANKS FOR THE HELP, DOC. At least I ain't payin' you. (Good ole Uncle Sam) )

Wait, what was I talking about again??

Oh yeah, so I packed her up and headed home. At three o'clock.

At which point she woke up, and proceeded to scream at us for an hour. I mean, pissed off, cannot-and-will not-be-happy-DON'T-EVEN-TRY-WOMAN type screaming.

But she was apparently a little angel for Aunt Danielle.

Because, of course she was.

Even slept through the night for her.
Because, of course she did.

WHAT'S THE SECRET HERE? Shot of rum in the formula? Sleeping pills?? Continuous drops on the head until she finally 'goes to sleep'. Are you 'putting her to sleep' via a choke hold?? I must know her methods!!

And, well, she's passed out again. At 9pm.

I'll take it. After an hour of being screamed at... I'll take it. I would much rather a sleeping angel than a pissed off baby with a screaming fetish.

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